Tuesday, June 24, 2008

An Encouraging Update

A report from The Times today brings welcome news. Here are some choice quotes:
The prospect of schism in the worldwide Anglican Church receded as African leaders meeting in Jerusalem stepped back from the brink and declared they are not seeking to start a new church. Archbishop Benjamin Nzimbi, Primate of Kenya and leader of that country's four million Anglicans, and the Ugandan Primate Archbishop Henry Orombi confirmed last night that there will be no split.
And for my Australian friends:
The emerging figure that is crucial in the softening of the line on schism is the Archbishop of Sydney, Dr Peter Jensen, who has become the key player on the Anglican conservative wing, shifting the emphasis from the US and African conservatives to Australia.

1 comment:

michael jensen said...

See - this is not news. There never was a schism planned by this group! The word 'schism' was always applied by journalists and others.